Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nation of Islam Assassinates 2 Prison Wardens, Commits Attempted Assassination of Captain of Guards

By Bruno Gheerbrant

I thank French researcher Bruno Gheerbrant for sending me this article several years ago, as part of a DVD on the Nation of Islam.

Reading the original news article, it was immediately obvious that Joseph Bowen and Fred Burton (aka Fred Muhammad Burton) had gone to the Deputy Warden’s office intending to assassinate him, with the talk of “discussion” just a pretext. And sure enough, as the Officer Down Memorial Page tells it, Bowen and Burton had meticulously planned out their murders.

Both were already cop-killers, and Joseph Bowen would commit additional heinous crimes while in prison.

There was no justice for any of the terrorists’ four victims, as the killers were only sentenced to life until parole.

The Dead

Warden Patrick Curran, 48. End of Watch May 31, 1973.

Deputy Warden Robert Fromhold, 51. End of Watch May 31, 1973.

Police Officer Joseph V. Kelly (assassinated by Joseph Bowen). End of Watch Sunday, February 21, 1971.

Sgt. Frank R. Von Colln/Collin (assassinated by Fred Burton), 43. End of Watch Saturday, August 29, 1970.

The Wounded

Guard Capt. Leroy Taylor, 49


Prisoners Kill 2 Wardens In Dispute Over Prayers

Van Nuys Valley News

June 1, 1973

PHILADELPHIA (UPI – The warden and deputy warden of Holmesburg Prison were stabbed to death yesterday during a grievance hearing on prayer services with two Black Muslim [N.S.: Nation of Islam] inmates, one serving a life term for the murder of a policeman and the other accused of a police killing

A guard captain also was stabbed before the two prisoners were subdued by guards with clubs in a fierce battle in which both inmates were injured seriously.

Warden Patrick Curran 48, and Dep Warden Robert Fromhold 51, both stabbed in the chest, were pronounced dead at Nazareth Hospital

Guard Capt Leroy Taylor 49 was reported in good condition at Nazareth with stab wounds in the back The two inmates, identified as Joseph Bowen and Fred Burton, were under heavy police guard at Philadelphia General Hospital.

Bowen 25 had a ruptured spleen and a broken arm and Burton 26 suffered severe head injuries, a hospital spokesman said.

Officials said Bowen and Burton had gone to Fromhold’s office to discuss a request for daily Muslim prayer services. A few minutes later, officials said, Fromhold staggered bleeding from the office and Taylor and Curran, whose office was across the hall, rushed to his aid. Both were stabbed, Curran fatally.

Patrick N. Curran

Warden Patrick Curran and Deputy Warden Robert Fromhold were stabbed to death by two members of a religious group that was upset with prison restrictions at Holmesburg Prison. The two had planned in detail the murder of Deputy Warden Fromhold for his refusal to grant more meeting time to the group in the prison gym.

The suspects created a fake pass which they gave to a rookie guard who was filling in for a regular guard at the prison. The pass indicated they were allowed to see Deputy Warden Fromhold. When they entered his office the two closed the door and attacked him as he sat at his desk, stabbing him several times. Warden Curran and another officer heard the commotion from across the hall and went to assist Deputy Warden Fromhold. Warden Curran was stabbed in the back by one of the inmates in the rescue attempt. Deputy Warden Fromhold succumbed to his wounds at the scene and Warden Curran succumbed to his wounds en route to a local hospital.

One of the two suspects was in prison for the murder of Philadelphia Police Officer Joseph Kelly on February 21, 1971. After the murders of Deputy Warden Fromhold and Warden Curran both suspects were sentenced to life in prison.

In 1995 a new prison facility was named the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility in honor of Warden Curran and Deputy Warden Fromhold.

1 comment:

  1. Great Article.. Keep Writing. This is truly motivating. And when your work is appreciated and acknowledged, it keeps you going. I’d like to thank you.
