Bay Area Newspaper Decrees Nation of Islam Murderers of Whites Innocent of “Bulk of Killings,” Because They were the Police’s Fault
By David in TN
Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 7:40:00 P.M. EST
A week ago there was an article in a Bay Area paper titled:
The article is behind a subscription wall, but you might read it by quickly hitting “Print.”
One of the authors is Thomas Peele, who wrote Killing the Messenger, which I reviewed at WEJB/NSU a few years ago.
This piece is an example of what David Cole calls “mainstream journalists who cover for nonwhite killers.”
A major theme is the killings were “motivated by a police shooting.” They refer to Quita Hague being hacked to death and her husband barely surviving. This atrocity occurred BEFORE the police shooting. And it had been happening in California for years.
They report the two surviving killers "are running out of final chances for freedom."
What a tragedy.
Jesse Cooks last month postponed his next parole hearing until after his 80th birthday in 2025. Larry Craig Green, 67, was denied parole last summer for five years.
They call it "his next shot."
They tell us J.C.X. Simon died in prison in 2015 and Manuel Moore (we covered it) in 2017. Simon and Moore "consistently maintained their innocence until their deaths, according to parole hearing transcripts."
So what?
Simon whined about a “legal lynching.” Green “has also consistently denied involvement, though he told a parole board in August that he believed at the time white people were ‘devils.’ He has since come to the realization that, ‘we’re all human beings,’ he said.”
I thought we were supposed to be all human beings in 1973.
Cooks has admitted his guilt before parole boards. He had been arrested after fatally shooting Francis Rose only a week after the Quita Hague murder. The writers of the piece don't tell us Cooks was practically caught in the act.
As always they whine about the brief random stoppage policy and how bad THAT was. They tell how Anthony Harris "came forward to police, implicating Green, Cooks, Moore, and Simon in the shootings, the attack on Hagues, and the 1973 killing of an unidentified man who he said was hacked to death."
They then go on about the Berkeley police shooting, which you could say was provoked by the "victim" taking a cop's gun and pistol-whipping him with it, but they don't.
And they claim this led to the next round of "random" killings.
The article describes the April 1974 Joseph Bellmore murder in Sacramento. One of the killers, Larry Pratt, told a parole board it was retaliation for the police shooting. Pratt "was granted parole."
It then tells of the Chauncey Bailey murder in 2007 by members of Your Black Muslim Bakery and the Zebra Murders-style copycat killing of white restaurant worker Michael Wills.
The East Bay killings are mentioned at the end without numbers or context. The article then meanders to an end.
[N.S.: I could only print out the first page.]
[Re: “Black Supremacist, Nation of Islam Serial Murder News
The List: Whites Slaughtered, or Grievously Wounded by the Nation of Islam in California”
By David in TN
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 4:32:00 P.M. EST
We've been looking for this list for a long time. San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto gave it out, but very few newspapers printed it. On page 147 of Thomas Peele’s book, Killing the Messenger, which I have previously referenced:
“The body of a woman with gruesome hack wounds very similar to Quita Hague's was found dumped in an industrial area not far from the Oakland Athletics' baseball stadium.”
This one is mentioned in Clark Howard's Zebra on page 35 of the 1980 paperback edition.
The murdered woman was apparently Sonia C. Markovich, on October 20, 1973. This is the same date as the abduction-murder of Quita Hague and horrific wounding of her husband, which took place after a failed attempt to kidnap and murder three white children.
Three years ago, I sent you a Stanford Daily piece on the murder of David Levine, who is on the list.
“About Three Little-Known Nation of Islam Killings in Oakland, Where Murder was a Laughing Matter
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Murder victim Chauncey Bailey; other victims of the same killers not shown: Odell Roberson, 31, black, and Michael Wills, 36, white. Yusuf Bey IV ordered the murder of Roberson, because the latter was the uncle of the man who had murdered Bey’s brother, and the actual killer wasn’t handy. Bey ordered his hitmen to murder Wills, simply because he was white.
[Re: “Your Muslim Bakery Trial: Laughter about Revenge Killings, and Killing ‘White Devils’; Chauncey Bailey Shooter Laughed at Killings.”]
By David in TN
Today I received a book on this case I had ordered, Killing the Messenger: A Story of Radical Faith, Racism's Backlash, and the Assassination of a Journalist. As the subtitle indicates, there are a lot of PC bromides in the book, but it has a lot of information. The author, Thomas Peele, is an “investigative journalist.” To his credit, Peele has a chapter on the NOI Zebra murders, and links them to the much less well known “East Bay killings,” which you have referenced. The Muslim group in Oakland, California were involved in the latter, and maybe the former.
Convicted Oakland Nation of Islam crime boss, Yusuf Bey IV
In 1974, Chauncey Bailey was working for a small black newspaper in the Bay area, and suspected the NOI was responsible before the arrests.
Bailey had a checkered career as a journalist and was editor of a free weekly paper in Oakland. “Yusuf Bey IV” ordered Bailey killed to stop an article on the NOI “Bakery.”
The piece was only 500 words, single-source, with no attribution. Killing Bailey brought down Bey IV. The local politicians and media weren't interested until Bailey was murdered.
Broussard and Mackey were both sentenced to life in prison (until parole).

Nation of Islam killer Antoine Mackey