The Racist, Mass-Murdering Nation of Islam Hid in the Shadows, and Slaughtered White Students at California’s Most Prestigious Universities
[See also: “The List: Whites Slaughtered, or Grievously Wounded by the Nation of Islam.”
The Nation of Islam Slaughtered White Students at Stanford and UC Berkeley
Wednesday, July 22, 2015By David in TN Nicholas Stix, Uncensored
This is something I found. It's the May 2, 1974 Stanford Daily, of all things. It covers a press conference by San Francisco Mayor Alioto announcing the Zebra arrests. Alioto mentions a Stanford student named David Levine as being a victim the previous fall, along with some other Stanford grad students. Alioto said only an "informant" had given him this information.
[N.S.: That was likely Anthony Cornelius Harris.]
California Attorney General Evell Younger denied there was a statewide murder campaign-"No evidence at the present time." [N.S.: That was a bald-faced lie, by Younger.] Alioto said he had conferred with Attorney General Saxbe (Nixon had three months left), who said the matter would be investigated. Alioto said the number murdered by Black Muslims was "about 80.”
Google "Tom Manney Zebra Killings" and you can find some other news stories for this press conference.
N.S.: The text below was scanned, with primitive technology, from the microfilm, microfiche, or whatever electronic form of reproduction the story was saved on. I corrected it, as best I could, but a couple of minor gaps remain.
The Stanford Daily > The Stanford Daily, 2 May 1974
The Stanford Daily, Volume 165, Issue 51, 2 May 1974
This digitized issue of the Stanford Daily is sponsored by Rich Jaroslovsky
Alioto Links Levine, Zebra Killings
David Levine — the 20-year old Stanford student murdered on campus last September — may have been a victim of the "Death Angels," the organization allegedly responsible for the so-called Zebra killings. San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto, announcing the arrest of seven men in connection with the killings, said Levine's murder was one of 73 "murderous assaults" in the state that might be laid to the reputed black separatist sect. Santa Clara County Sheriff's L . [?] Detective Capt. Frank Mosunic told the Daily yesterday that "what we have would coincide with what San Francisco has released to the media." Mosunic said that there is a "very strong possibility that two blacks were involved in the murder," and that "we wil1 be in touch with San Francisco tonight, and some people from Alameda." Police had speculated that the Sept. 11 Levine murder might be connected with the Dec. 20 slaying of a UC-Berkeley graduate student. Both victims were brutally and repeatedly stabbed in the chest and back. The Berkeley murder was also on Alioto's list.
No Comment
Mosunic declined any further comment on the matter. A Berkeley Police Department spokesman flatly refused to comment on the reports. Police Services Director Marvin Herrington was out of town and unavailable for comment, and Stanford Capt. William Wullschleger referred all inquiries to Mosunic. Levine, a physics major from Ithaca. N.Y., was slain sometime between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. on Sept. 11. His body was discovered on a walkway near Meyer Library by an early-morning jogger. He had been active in student government here, and had been an ASSU senator. (The Daily has learned that local law enforcement authorities do not feel that two other recent unsolved campus murders — those of Leslie Marie Perlov, 21, and Janet Taylor, 20 — are related to the Zebra investigation. Both women were strangled.)
'Reverse KKK'
At a press conference yesterday, Alioto said that the seven Zebra suspects — arrested by police in a series of raids beginning at 5 a.m. yesterday morning — were members of a nationwide group he described as "a reverse Ku Klux Klan." "The 'Death Angels,' who use wings as an insignia, literally earn their promotion upon presentation of proof of the number and nature of the murders committed," Alioto alleged, "The local group is a division of a larger organization dedicated to the murder and mutilation of whites and dissident blacks," Alioto claimed. "The pattern of killing is by random street shooting or hacking to death with machete, cleaver or knife." The seven suspects arrested yesterday were identified as J.C. Simon, 29; Larry Greene, 22; Dwight Stallings, 28; Tom Manney, 31; Edgar D. Burton, 22; Manuel Moore, 23; and Clarence Jamerson, 29. [N.S.: Simon, Greene, and Moore would all be convicted, and sentenced to life in prison; the DA’s office would drop charges against the other four, for lack of evidence. Simon died in prison in 2015; Larry Greene and Jesse Lee Cookes are still in prison. According to David in TN’s researches, Manuel Moore’s whereabouts are presently (February 21, 2018) unknown.] No further personal information was released.
All the suspects were booked on charges of murder or conspiracy to commit murder. Police said the men would be arraigned today. According to Alioto, the "Death Angels" are "fanatical believers in black separatism" who base their philosophy on "muddled aberrations clearly outside the mainstream of Islamic religions. In my opinion, it represents as much potential threat to blacks as to whites." Promotions in the alleged organization are determined by a national leader located outside of California, Alioto said.
"The investigation will continue until we are satisfied that we have rounded up all the members of this group and have insured the fact that new members will not take their place," he said. [N.S.: Bogus; they did no such thing.] State Atty. Gen. Evelle Younger said at a news conference he has "no clear evidence" linking the Zebra killings to any others outside the Bay Area, but conceded that his office had not yet viewed all evidence used by San Francisco police. [That was a bald-faced lie. California state law enforcement had linked over 70 “motiveless” murders, carried out by young, well-groomed, conservatively-dressed, 20-something black men against whites statewide since circa 1970.] He noted that it was not improper to say that there were similarities between the Zebra killings and a number of others in the state since 1971. The Zebra case was apparently broken with the aid of an informant who had witnessed some of the killings. —Daily photo by David FranU [?] MURDER CONNECTIONS — The murder of Stanford junior David Levine last September may have been one of 73 committed in the state by the "Death Angels," allegedly responsible for the Zebra killings.
Posted by Nicholas
David In TN said...
A few days ago, I decided to do an internet search on the Zebra Murders to find something I hadn't seen before. I discovered this Stanford Daily piece. Yes, it was undoubtedly Anthony Harris who told Alioto (and law enforcement) about the David Levine murder being among the Zebra killings. I have a hunch Harris was a participant (of two according to him) in the David Levine murder. It would have been awkward charging and putting him on trial as Harris was the key witness for the larger picture. There was also the December 20, 1973 unnamed UC-Berkeley student also "brutally stabbed in the chest and back." Harris was likely involved in this one as well. Now, here is my question. I'll take 71 as the number of murders in California attributed to this group. Were there any arrests, trials, or convictions (outside of Sacramento) for any of them? I presume a researcher could go to the California Department of Justice and find the records, or could he? California Attorney General Evelle Younger's statement was the typical politician's non-denial denial.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 7:24:00 PM EDT
David In TNsaid...
Attorney General William Saxbe was an example of a "Cuck," over 40 years ago. Saxbe had been elected to the U.S. Senate from Ohio in 1968. While there, he was a McCain-type, always attacking his own party to gain plaudits from the media. When Nixon fired Eliot Richardson as Attorney General in October 1973, he needed someone the Senate would confirm, thus Saxbe became Attorney General in January 1974.After the Hibernia bank robbery in San Francisco in April 1974 by the SLA with Patty Hearst seeming to participate, Saxbe made a big show of calling the kidnapped heiress "a common criminal."
This, of course, was totally unethical, but Saxbe liked to shoot from the hip for headlines, especially those he knew the MSM was eager for. When San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto briefed Saxbe on the Zebra murders and asked for federal assistance, Saxbe would only "consider it."
Saxbe made a big show of condemning Patty Hearst, whose willing participation at that point was very questionable. About the Zebra murders, he was silent. For newspaper accounts of Alioto's meeting with Saxbe, Google "William Saxbe, Zebra murders."
Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 7:03:00 PM EDT
David In TNsaid...
For the Mar 14, 1976 Los Angeles Times account of the verdict in the San Francisco trial, Google: "Daryl Lembke, Zebra Murders."
This is the only contemporary account I've found. A paragraph says: "The jury, which included two blacks, had deliberated 3 1/2 days. Jurors asked six times during the deliberations for readings of certain testimony, for rereading of portions of the instructions or to see exhibits."
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 8:38:00 PM EDT
David In TN said...
As indicated above, I periodically check the internet for material on the Zebra murders. Today, by accident, I found the May 2, 1974 New York Times piece on the San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto press conference by one Wallace Turner.
Here ( is the thread. California Attorney General Younger and the local FBI man were again quoted saying "I know nothing." John Muhammad, "minister of Temple 26 in San Francisco," gave a 10-minute news conference "where questions were not taken." What kind of news conference is there where questions are not taken?
Alioto said a man from a midwestern city directed the murders. The NYT story ended with:"Mr. Alioto issued a list of 73 names of murder victims from several parts of this state, but he said that he suspected there were more than 80 murders committed by Death Angels and that some would never be, known. He mentioned that many suspicious disappearances had been reported to policemen in several California cities."So Mayor Alioto "issued a list" to the press? Why hasn't someone printed it? I presume it had names, dates, and places.
[N.S.: “[A] man from a midwestern city.” The city was obviously “New Mecca,” known by humans as “Chicago.” But who was the man? I have an idea or one.]
Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 6:13:00 PM EDT
David In TN said...
David Levine was indeed on the list you published today.