Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Nation of Islam’s Blood Brothers 1963-1964 Serial Killings of Whites in Harlem (Alan Stang)

By Nicholas Stix
June 8, 2012
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

In my last item, I wrote:

Blacks had begun training black kids to racially target whites, and between October, 1963 and April, 1964, four times black teenagers walked up to whites in Harlem, three times on the street and once in a store, and casually, premeditatedly, stabbed them to death.

Well, here you go. In the following chapter from the brilliant, late Alan Stang’s 1965 work, It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, he exposes the Blood Brothers gang’s 1963-1964, racially motivated serial killings of whites in Harlem. According to Stang, the Blood Brothers were a division of the murder cult, the Nation of Islam, and black nationalists were in cahoots with Communists.

The chapter is brilliant, but confusing. In one paragraph, Stang is in Harlem, in the next he’s in Africa, and in the third, he’s back in Harlem, all without any transitions. What he’s doing, is drawing parallels between the racist, so-called “liberation” movements in the Third World, Canada, and here.

Another thing he does is to write sarcastically, “and of course, there's the atmosphere of hate.”

What this means is that then, just as now, the communists would rationalize any and all black-on-white violence as being the fault of white “racism.” So, this playbook is not new.

Stang’s work was scanned with a great many errors. I corrected as many of them as I could identify. He added a few clarifying notes in brackets, and I added a bunch more.

* * *

It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights
By Alan Stang
Chapter Five: The Blood Brothers

So far, this has taken the form of massive peaceful political agitation, but already there is in existence among young people the conviction that only violence will bring about the satisfaction of French Canadian national rights. Already young people are in prison as a result of activity flowing from this conviction.(1)

On October 21, 1963, Jules Bulgach, a seventy-one-year-old white fruit peddler, was stabbed to death on a Harlem street by a gang of boys.(2) And rational men were aware at once that the act had something or other to do with "rightwing extremism."

You've heard of the "atmosphere of hate." What doubtless happened was that the atmosphere of hate worked its way into the physiology of these unfortunate lads, where it probably activated the evil present in us all, with the inevitable result that they just had to go out and stab somebody.

On March 23, 1964, David L. Watts, twenty-nine, a white man who had come from Idaho seven years before to live as a missionary in Harlem, was murdered. He was stabbed repeatedly in the chest and stomach. No one knew why.(3)

On April 11, Efleen Johnson, twenty-eight, a white department of welfare social worker, was stabbed to death on a Harlem street as she walked with a Negro co-worker. As usual, no one knew why.(4)

On April 29 just before 5:00 p.m., Mrs. Magit Sugar, fifty, a Hungarian refugee, was stabbed to death by one of a gang of boys in her second-hand clothing store on West 125th Street. When she told one of the boys that she had no suit in his size, another drew a knife and stabbed her in the heart.(5)

You can't blame him, of course; no suit in his size, indeed! --and of course, there's the atmosphere of hate.

Soon afterward, however, the criminals were caught, and, on May 6, the Times revealed in a front page story, continued to page thirty, that they were among "about 400' youths who are members of an anti-white Harlem gang.

"Members of the youth gang refer to themselves as 'Blood Brothers.' They have infiltrated many community centers in Harlem by obtaining positions on committees."

The purpose of the gang is said to be "to oppose the police if trouble should develop in Harlem .... Some members of the gang are used as drug pushers and numbers runners. Others are taught to steal."

The Blood Brothers appear to be distinguished from other youth gangs [we read in the Times of May 29, page thirteen] chiefly by their intensive training in karate and judo fighting techniques. According to members, they are organized into divisions, each division consisting of a junior and senior league. Communication among divisions is maintained by a system of runners

. . . A gang leader told this reporter that there were now 200 trained Blood Brothers, and that each trainee was obligated to train at least 10 juniors."
In fact, according to one of what the Times describes as "youngsters," there is already in existence "an offshoot of the Brotherhood known as the Black Mollyzuls," a league of young gentlemen who "believe in violence and killing white."

"The Blood Brothers is two organizations," we learn. "One believes in killing and murdering and one believes in helping and fighting back--if they be hit first, of course."

What do you make of it?

Well, of course, if you have ever conducted a war of national liberation you'll already know.

You see, you can't simply appear in a country with your two hundred goons and say, "Look, I'm a criminal degenerate who enjoys killing and I'm going to capture your country." You'd be laughed off the lot.

In fact, the whole point to the war of national liberation is to create the impression that it isn't what it actually is in fact-a play for power by two hundred goons--but that it is a "mass movement" of a "heroic people," "united as one," etcetera and
so on, and that it has something to do with self-determination.

Now, how would you do that?

Well of course, if the country you were after is the United States, the first thing you'd do is kill some white men. That would probably provoke some white men to retaliate against Negroes, which would probably provoke some Negroes to retaliate.

But that's still no good. Because all you'd still have, wouldn't you, is a couple of incidents. You wouldn't have a "mass of people marching as one."

Your problem is that since most black men like most white men and most red men, and most other men--are decent people, they won't have anything to do with you once you tell them what the war of national liberation is actually about. Your problem is simply that because the overwhelming majority of people everywhere----of any race, region or religion are decent, they derive no pleasure from committing murders.

So your first step is to recruit some Negro goons to kill some white men.

And your next step---once they have gone too far to get out--is to have your Negro goons kill some Negroes.

Because the most important part of the war of national liberation isn't to fight the "exploiters" doing the "suppressing." That is important, yes. But the most important part is to terrorize the people you are supposed to be liberating--and so force them to join you.

"Most Simbas are former Congolese Army Soldiers who deserted or were captured and then persuaded to loin, some under the threat of death." 6

And for this you need a band of goons.

George Washington didn't need a band of goons because he wasn't a criminal degenerate. What he was fighting was a real war of national liberation, so he didn't have to force anybody to join him.

But the Communists do.

So their war of national liberation always begins with the killing of some "colonialists": Belgians in the Congo, English-speaking Canadians in Quebec, Frenchmen in Algeria--and white men in New York.

"In connection with the propaganda carried on in this direction it was apparent particularly in the months of February and March of last year [1925 in Indonesia] that the Communists were planning to create disturbances by means of strikes, arson and murders carried out by organized bands o[ criminals.'' 7

It always continues when enough reliable killers are outside the law--with the killing, not only of hundreds of colonialists, but also of thousands of "toilers": Congolese in the Congo, French in Quebec, Moslems in Algeria--and Negroes in New York.

"In the countryside, the Viet Cong, who had been careful to avoid harming the peasantry, have begun mining roads and paths used by farmers. In recent weeks, jam-packed intercity buses have been blown off roads and tiny three-wheeled motor-scooter buses have virtually vanished in landmine explosions. The unreal, carnival mood along Tu Do is a long step removed from the horror endured by the ordinary people o! Vietnam." 8

And it always ends with a State Department announcement that the victorious rebels seem to be Communists after all.

It is happening in every country that the Communists are trying to capture. It is happening in Quebec. It is happening in Caracas. It is happening in Angola, the Congo, Malaysia and Vietnam.

What happened in Algeria, as you will recall, was that the FLN rebels told the people that the revolt was really about the Koran. They said that it was a revolt of the Moslems, the true believers, against the infidels who happened to be French.

Then of course the FLN cut the throats of any Moslems who disagreed.

"With the murder of the adat head in Kamang there came to light the existence of a Communist conspiracy in which native heads were involved and which aimed at overthrowing the authorities by means of actual rebellion and by murdering opponents of the rebellion." 9

Let us turn to the trouble in New York.

8/28/59: Mr. Cherif Benhabyles is assassinated in Vichy by the FLN.

5/10/64: Druggist Archie Galanter is found shot to death on the floor of a phone booth in his Brooklyn store. According to the New York Times, "The police of the 66th precinct reported that there was $291 in cash boxes. They also said that the pharmacist's narcotics stock was intact. . ."10

7/31/60: On a beach near Tipaza, FLN terrorists machinegun bathers. The eleven dead include two women.

6/13/64: The body of Mrs. Sallye Mae Hart, forty-eight, of 1964 East 24th Street, Brooklyn, is found in an empty parking lot at 2920 West 21st Street, two blocks west of the Steeplechase amusement area in Coney Island. "The police said that she had been struck on the skull several hours earlier by a heavy object, probably a rock." 11

3/1/61: In Oran, Algeria, two women are burnt alive tn their car.

7/5/64: Regina Marshall, sixteen, is stabbed to death as she enters the hall of her Brooklyn apartment house. According to the New York Times, "The police reported that the girl's clothing had not been disarranged and that nothing had been taken from her handbag."12

There's no point in taking narcotics or stealing cash if you are a rebel, for two reasons: First, your motive is simply to kill for the pleasure and reward of killing, and second, it shows your contempt for the victim.

But of course, if you're very clever and can show your contempt by taking the cash--then you take it.

"Twenty-six persons were killed yesterday when Communist guerrillas blew up a bus near Tavoy, 300 miles southwest of Rangoon.

"After the explosion the guerrillas stripped the victims of all valuables and cut off the ears of dead women to remove their earrings." 13

You will recall that Professor Lincoln describes the "entire'' Black Muslim movement as "a kind of reserve fighting corps--a potential phalanx of Black Men ready to wage open war against the entire white community in case of white provocation." 14

And so the question naturally arises: Have the Black Muslims anything to do with the gang called the Blood Brothers?

Well, Mr. Muhammad says on May 7, 1964, according to the New York Times, that he has no knowledge of the Blood Brothers and that his followers are devoted to peace. All they want is to be given land they can call their own so they can set up their own nation.15

11/3/54: The Voice of the Arabs, 7:00 p.m.: "The heart of every Algerian is filled with hatred toward the French who have deprived them of their liberty and flouted their honour.

"Every Algerian is resolved to sacrifice his blood and his life to raise the flag of his country over the bodies of the French."

According to page 27 of the Times for May 7, Black Muslims and black nationalists refer to white Harlem businessmen as "colonialists."

9/6/56: Radio Damascus: "O colonialists and imperialists! Go back to your country before you are carried there, covered with wounds stained with blood on stretchers."

And on May 1 [N.S.: presumably 1964], the New York Post on page 3 says the police have been told that factions of the Black Muslim movement--"dissident" factions, whatever they are--are urging teenagers to "hit" white people and to "drive them out of Harlem." [The campaign was very successful.]

In fact a detective says of the suspects in the murder of Mrs. Sugar, "that it was the knowledge of the youths' link with the Muslims that had led to their speedy arrests."

The detective said that "while the three youths had denied being members of the Black Muslims, a police informant has definitely identified them as belonging to the Muslim group." l6

And on May 6, the Times revealed that according to an informant, "rebel" Black Muslims are "indoctrinating" the Blood Brothers. The story goes that these Black Muslims "left the parent Black Muslim group when Malcolm X did, but that they later left Malcolm because they considered him too mild in his denunciation of whites.

"Most of the rebel Muslims, the researcher said, belonged to the Fruit of Islam, the security arm of the Black Muslim organization, whose members are trained in karate and judo fighting techniques."

As part of their tactic of respectability [writes Professor Lincoln] the Muslim leaders present the FOI as an ordinary physical training program, like those of "the YMCA, CYO, Masons or Boy Scouts."' . . .

Unlike most Boy Scout troops, however, they also receive training in judo, military drill and the use of knives and blackjacks. There is no evidence that the FOI sections still receive small-arms training--as [sociologist Erdmann D.] Beynon reported in 1937 [1938]---or that the FOI high command is gathering an armory for emergency use.

Such activities are not unlikely, however, for the FOI looks forward to playing an heroic role in the impending "Battle of Armageddon."

[It is] probably the most powerful single organization within the Movement. It now has a "section" in every temple, and its local officers report not to the minister but to the Supreme Captain of the FOI, Raymond Sharrieff ....

This virtually autonomous body is an elite group, carefully chosen, rigorously trained ....

It is entrusted with top security assignments and remains on constant alert. Most ominous of all, it shrouds its activities in nearly absolute secrecy--a tactic that has aroused the deepest suspicions of observers as experienced and sophisticated as the FBI.

... The FOI no longer dedicates itself solely to guarding the Black Nation against "trouble with the unbelievers, especially with the police? It now acts also as a police force and judiciary--or, more exactly, a constabulary and courtmartial--to root out and punish any hint of heterodoxy or any slackening of obedience among the Muslims themselves .... (italics added)

Lincoln describes an FOI trial:
The defendant is not allowed to offer any defense; the charges against him are read, and the verdict is thereupon pronounced ....

This verdict is final; there is no appeal. 17

. . . Some police authorities suggest that Sharrieff... through a hand-picked corps of lieutenants, effectively silences any defectors from the Movement who may wish to cooperate with the police in exposing its secret ....

is in fact, in a Muslim training manual we read as follows:

. . . A Committee of three must be formed by the minister or captain to report of any undesirable conditions going on by moslems in their homes. All traitors, who betray their sisters or brothers be murdered without mercy?

And that's not all. The FOI could easily begin to regulate the lives not only of black men who belong, but of black men who don't--of all black men. Indeed, "the FOI might easily degenerate into a strong-arm elite keeping a restive people in line. . ." 20

. . . The distinguishing feature of both the Black Muslims and the F,L.Q. [Quebec Liberation Front] is that each aspires to bully its way into power over an important minority [writes C. L. Sulzberger].

. . . The F.L.Q. has . . begun a program of limited terrorism. Its primitive bombs have already caused casualties, and it has prepared what purport to be lists of intended assassinations of personages opposing secession of French Canada.21

Muhammad speaks of Negro professionals who won't cooperate because of "adavntages." They go to the police and FBI and accuse Muhammad of "trying to overthrow the government or even with causing trouble.

"... This is the enemy; but Elijah Muhammad is laid as a stumbling stone. That stone that has been rejected by the builders. And whosoever falls on that stone will be broken to pieces and whosoever the stone falls upon will be ground into powder." 22

". . . Some police authorities suggest," writes Lincoln, "that Sharrieff... collects tithes from delinquent members .... 23

"Once a month, right after the roll call at the workers' meeting [we read of the complete Communist control over some parts of Colombia] comes the payment of contributions to the Communist war chest. One peso is the minimum expected of all; more is paid, up to 20 pesos, according to the individual's means and income. Once a year a special tax is levied to meet the quota assigned by the party to each region of Colombia. . ." 24

In fact, Lincoln tells us, members are urged to hold steady jobs, and gambling, smoking, drinking, installment buying and luxuries are barred, the main purpose of which is to leave money for the movement, to which members must give a fixed percentage of their incomes each year. In 1952, aside from contributions for various funds, the percentage was set at one third of all earnings.25

You will recall that some Muslims have practiced their new faith while in prison:
Many Muslims have come into the movement from various levels of extralegal activity. Some are ex-convicts--or even convicts, for at least three temples are behind prison walls. Some have come into the Movement as dope addicts and alcoholics, or from careers as pimps and prostitutes, pool sharks and gamblers. But all who remain in the Movement are rehabilitated and put to work .... 36

"... in which connection the PK1 [Indonesian Communist Party] proposed to search the kampungs for criminals (pendjahat) who would then assume the leadership over fellow-criminals." 27

Indeed, we read in Saga magazine: "... 'This may come as a shock to your white readers,' Malcolm X says, 'but today we've got Muslim ministers working inside every prison in the country.' What he says is true. . ." 28

In fact, Malcolm himself was "converted" in 1947, by one of his brothers, while a guest of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the maximum-security prison at Concord, where he had been detained by Massachusetts authorities after a conviction for armed robbery.29

And this, as you will recall, was exactly why the Algerian police happened to lock up Ahmed Ben Bella, at about the time that the Communist FLN uprising was getting underway.

As for the white man, that's no problem:

. . . All Moslems will murder the devil because they know he is a snake and also if he be allowed to live, he would sting someone else. Each Moslem is required to bring four devils and by bringing and presenting four at one time his reward is a button to wear on the lapel of his coat, also a free transportation to the Holy City Mecca to see brother Mohammad. [Beynon on the rules of the early Black Muslims/Natioin of Islam in Detroit, early 1930s.]

Compare this with one of the oaths of the Mau Mau, the band of criminals, founded and led by Jomo Kenyatta, that terrorized black and white Africans alike in Kenya in the mid-1950's. Some of the purposes of the organization, we read, are:

(a) To burn European crops, and to kill European owned cattle.
(b) To steal firearms.
(c) If ordered to kill, to kill, no matter who is to be the victim, even one's father or brother.
(d) When killing, to cut off heads, extract the eyeballs and drink the liquid from them.
(e) Particularly to kill Europeans.31

And you will recall that according to Dodd-Fard [Wallace Dodd Ford, the founder of the NOI], the "blue-eyed devil" is "the white man."

"Furthermore there is the so-called Reichscheka as a section of this military organization at the disposal of the party --which 'Cheka' was straightforwardly labelled an 'organization for murder' in connection with what came to light at the Leipzig trials in February, 1925." 32

In a so-called war of national liberation, among the first things needed are a test and a reward for the new recruits.

12/1/59: Mr. Krim Belcacem, vice-president and minister of war in the provisional government of the Algerian republic, writes in "Views and Opinions," published by the "Review of International Affairs" in Belgrade, of the young volunteers in the FLN: "Another test of their aptitude and preparedness is assassination: a new recruit, before qualifying to serve with the Army must murder at least a colonialist or a known traitor."

5/10/64: The [Blood Brothers] gang members, says the New York Times on page sixty-one, "are seeking to win recognition from Malcolm X and other rebel Black Muslim leaders and the right to use the letter 'X' instead of their surnames.

"The police said that the gang members become eligible to use the letter 'X' when they seriously maim or kill a white person."

The next thing needed is discipline.

"(a) If I am sent to bring in the head of an enemy or European, and I fail to do so, may this [Mau Mau] oath kill me.
"(b) If I fail to steal anything from a European, may this oath kill me.
"(c) If I know of any enemy to our organization, and fail to report it to my leader, may this oath kill me.
"(d) If I am ever sent by my leader to do something big for the House of Kikuyu, and I refuse, may this oath kill me.
"(e) If I refuse to help in driving the Europeans from this country, may this oath kill me.
"(f) If 1 worship any leader but Jomo Kenyatta, may this oath kill me." 33

7/10/64: The New York News on page three reports the arrest of two men believed to be Malcolm X's followers, and the capture of a small notebook. The notebook contains a list of penalties:

Anyone who betrays the organization penalty death.
No. Two. Notice must be given 12 hours except for an emergency meeting.
No. Three, lateness. First time five lashes. Second time 10 lashes. Third time serious beating.
No. Four, absence. First time beating, Third time death.

But the most important thing needed is something to complain about.

6/20/59: In documents seized on FLN leaders captured recently, we find the following orders: "In all circumstances, the Algerian Patriot (when tried by Court) will never hesitate to accuse the police of torture and brutalities; this greatly influences the judges, particularly with the application of the new code."

5/29/64: A Blood Brothers leader tells us, according to the Times, page 13, that "the main reason the gang started was to protect ourselves in a group against police brutality."

Police brutality is a terrible problem. It is a well known fact that the reason most men join the police is to give vent to their sadistic natures. Everybody knows that.

In fact, as everybody knows, police brutality is an absolutely imperative part of the war of national liberation. Everyone knows that wherever a war of national liberation breaks out, there suddenly develops police brutality.

7/20/64: New York News, page three: "I walked through the streets for four hours and saw the most nauseating demonstration of police malfeasance. It was an orgy of blood, violence and sadism, which was uncalled for," says James Farmer of CORE.

"I say with much sadness that I have not seen anything like this before, even in Alabama or Mississippi."

The solution according to Mr. Farmer and others, is a "civilian police review board," which would begin by deciding which police action was brutal and which wasn't—and would eventually wind up deciding what could be done to protect the people of the City of New York and elsewhere, and what couldn't.

Police Commissioner Michael J. Murphy charged yesterday that his department was being subjected to a "planned pattern of attack" in connection with civil rights disorders.

He said the attack, if successful, would destroy the department's effectiveness and "leave the city open to confusion."

Mr. Murphy declined to identify any organization or individuals directing the attack, but he hinted that details might be given in the future.

Mr. Murphy reported that "during--and before--the opening of the World's Fair, prearranged protests of brutality were heard even before there had been any encounters between the police and demonstrators." 34

Who's behind it, do you think? [One of the leaders was black supremacist extortionist, kidnapper and murderer, Robert “Sonny Carson, 1935?-2002).]

1. Leslie Morris, "National and Democratic Revolution in French Canada," World Marxist Review, vol. 7, no. 9 (September 1964), p. 17.
2. New York Times (May 29, 1964), p. 13~ 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid.
5. Ibid. (May 1, 1964), p. 31.
6. Ibid. (December 4, 1964), p. 14.
7. Harry J. Benda and Ruth T. McVey, editors, The Communist Uprisings of 1926-1927 in Indonesia: Key Documents
(Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University, 1960), p. 10.
8. Newsweek, vol. 63 (June 8, 1964), p. 27.
9. Benda and McVey, p. 11.
10. New York Times (May 11, 1964), p. 25.
11. Ibid. (June 14, 1964), p. 71.
12. Ibid. (July 6, 1964), p. 18.
13. Ibid. (December 4, 1964), p. 6.
14. C. Eric Lincoln, The Black Muslims in America (Boston, Beacon Press, 1961), p. 199.
15. New York Times (May 8, 1964), p. 67º
16. Ibid. (May 1, 1964), p. 31.
17. Lincoln, pp. 199-201.
18. Ibid., p. 193.
19. As quoted in Activities of "The Nation of Islam" or the Muslim Cult of Islam, in Louisiana, report of the Joint Legislative Committee on Un-American Activities, State of Louisiana (January 9, 1963), p. 29.
20. Lincoln, p. 203.
21. New York Times (May 29, 1963), p. 32
22. Muhammad Speaks, vol. 3, no. 10 (January 31, 1964), p. 8.
23. Lincoln, p. 193.
24. Eugene K. Culhane, America, vol. 102, no. 23 (March 12, 1960), p. 702.
25. Lincoln, p. 17.
26. Ibid., p. 24.
27. Benda and McVey, p. 3.
28. Joseph T. Friscia, Saga (July 1962), pp. 72-73.
29. Lincoln, p. 191.
30. Louisiana report, p. 27. See footnote 19 above.
31. F. D. Corfield, Historical Survey of the Origins and Growth of Mau Mau (London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960), p. 167.
32. Benda and McVey, p. 3.
33. Corfield, p. 166.
34. New York Times (April 29, 1964), p. 28.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is Louis Farrakhan Seeking to Take Over Chicago, Too?: Jewish Mayor Rahm Emanuel Accepts Help from Anti-Semitic, Genocidally Racist Murder Cult, the

Nation of Islam

"Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan at the Unity March, 'Walking the Ward,' on Monday evening, July 16, 2012. | Photo by Keevin Woods"

Mayor Rahm Emanuel listens during the second annual National Summit on Preventing Youth Violence, April 2, 2012

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Farrakhan, Nation of Islam, step in to help stop shootings
By Mary Mitchell
July 19, 2012; updated: August 20, 2012
Chicago Sun-Times

On Monday night, residents in the Auburn-Gresham neighborhood on the city’s South Side witnessed the might of the Nation of Islam.

Despite temperatures that hovered around 100 degrees, black men in dress suits and bow ties fanned out across the neighborhood to form a human wall of protection against any sudden outbreak of gunfire.

The army of men, known as the Fruit of Islam, was responding to a call put out by Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan after last month’s tragic killing of 7-year-old Heaven Sutton on the West Side. Her murder is part of the unrelenting bloodshed plaguing Chicago this year, causing the murder rate to spike.

[N.S.: On Mondays, the shooters take the day off. It’s Thursday through Saturday night, that they’re on duty. Thus, this was a pretty safe, cheap photo op for the murder cult.

Note, too, that Farrakhan’s elite assassins are all Fruits.]

It’s forced Farrakhan out of the luxury of the Nation’s palatial headquarters in Chicago and onto the street, leading 500 Fruit of Islam members out into Auburn-Gresham to help combat the violence.

The 80-year-old leader walked with his followers, and took the lead in confronting an evil that is frustrating law enforcement, civil rights activists, clergy and residents.

Traditionally in the Nation of Islam, Monday is set aside for male training classes. But Farrakhan ordered those classes canceled across the country and sent the men into the street.

“It was historic. I had residents crying — men and women that have been in the community fighting — crying to see it,” said Ald. Latasha Thomas (17th). “The minister had 500 well-dressed, well-spoken black men in suits go out on the street.

They weren’t all with the minister. They spread out. We gave them some of our hardest locations in the 6th district.”

Farrakhan is regularly condemned in mainstream media for comments about Jews. For that reason, he rarely speaks to the press.

Last year, he was widely criticized for his support of Libya’s long-time dictator Moammar Gadhafi, who was being pursued and was later killed by Libyan forces.
So it is not surprising that Farrakhan declined to discuss details of the street campaign.

Instead, he issued a short statement through a spokesman:

“I do not want to talk at this time because we have done too much talking already and not enough action. So we are focusing our attention on action and we want to let our results, God willing, speak for us,” the statement said.

In the past, Farrakhan has chosen to deliver his messages at the group’s annual Saviour’s Day gathering. Occasionally, the Nation of Islam leader will speak from the pulpits of friendly local pastors.

“What I saw was a number of brothers in all different sections of the area passing out DVDs of the minister’s speeches, as well as folders with the ‘Million Man Pledge,’ ” said the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of “The Faith Community of St. Sabina Church.”

[Killer Pfleger, as I call him (here and here), based on his public threat to murder legal gun dealers, is a white man who has trained himself to sound black, and who while nominally a Roman Catholic priest, is actually nothing of the sort, but rather a follower of genocidal, black supremacist, Black Liberation Theology.]

“They were interacting. They were saying we can live in peace,” he said.

Pfleger said the men walked in formation similar to a scene from the Spike Lee movie “Malcolm X.”

“Now, the kids have seen it live on the street,” Pfleger said. “Seeing these powerful young brothers of the Nation in suits and ties on the streets gives encouragement and hope.”

Monday’s march is just the beginning of a campaign that is striving to recapture the positive self-awareness that followed the Million Man March in 1995.

“They were knocking on doors. The minister would actually tell these young men and women they had the capacity to be leaders, that they were just walking in the wrong direction and he wanted to help them go in the right direction,” Thomas said.

[“The right direction” means to work towards killing whites, instead of other blacks.]

“They really listened. People were thanking me for asking them to come out. And those guys and women who are not doing right, they respect the nation. Those 500 men didn’t have weapons on them. They spoke. It was an awesome sight.”

[They didn’t have weapons on them then, but they have plenty for when they need them. The bad guys on the street know that, and know that messing with NOI men or their mosques will result in death. They don’t “respect” the NOI, they fear it.]

A similar event is scheduled for next Monday in South Shore, an area that has also experienced an uptick in violent crime.

According to information on the organization’s website, the plan is to create a local organizational structure made up of members of the Nation of Islam and other stakeholders, activists and community organizations.

A similar effort is under way in more than 100 cities where the Nation of Islam has a mosque or study group.

According to Thomas, the Chicago Police commander in the 6th Police District was also involved in the march.

“He said if the Nation’s presence remains, then it frees them up to do other things,” Thomas said. “The night of the march, the entire district didn’t have anything going on. No violence.”

[Because it was a Monday, fool!]

In a written response from the Chicago Police Department, Police Supt. Garry McCarthy appears to support the actions taken by the Nation of Islam.

“The Chicago Police Department welcomes the support of faith-based organizations to help lend a voice to the violence and other challenges affecting our neighborhoods and most importantly, our children,” the statement concluded.

After saturating the street with images of hundreds of black men committed to keeping the peace, the Nation of Islam will leave a small contingent of men in the area to work with the clergy, activists and community residents to keep the community safe.

“The Nation’s presence calls out an empowerment — not from the law enforcement — from the neighborhood brothers. That is what causes this empowerment,” Pfleger said.

“I think that is the most powerful message of all. We’re here. We can do this. We can stop the violence.”

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Rahm welcomes help from Farrakahn [sic], ignores anti-Semitic remarks
By Fran Spielman
July 25, 2012; updated: August 27, 2012
Chicago Sun Times

Ignoring Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s history of anti-Semitic remarks, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday welcomed the army of men dispatched to the streets by Farrakhan to stop the violence in Chicago neighborhoods.

Ald. Debra Silverstein (50th), an Orthodox Jew, has said it’s good that Farrakhan is “helping” in the fight against crime, “but it doesn’t eradicate the comments that he’s made about the Jewish community.”

Emanuel offered no such caveat. Although Farrakhan has a history of making anti-Semitic statements, Chicago’s first Jewish mayor has no interest in revisiting that controversy.

He’s more concerned about reducing a 40 percent surge in Chicago homicides that’s become a media obsession and threatens to undermine his efforts to market Chicago to international tourists.

“People of faith have a role to play and community leaders have a role to play in helping to protect our neighborhoods and our citizens. You cannot get there on just one piece of an anti-crime strategy,” the mayor said.

“The police have a role to play. Tearing down abandoned buildings has a role to play. Shutting liquor stores that are a cancer in the community have a role to play.

Community leaders have a role to play. Pastors have a role to play. Principals have a role to play. And most importantly, parents have roles to play. They have decided, the Nation of Islam, to help protect the community. And that’s an important ingredient, like all the other aspects of protecting a neighborhood.”

For the last two Mondays, black men in dress suits and bow ties fanned out across violence-plagued Chicago neighborhoods — first Auburn-Gresham, then South Shore — to form a human wall of protection against any sudden outbreak of gunfire.

The army of men, know [sic] as the Fruit of Islam, were led by Farrakhan, who ordered the show of force in response to last month’s brutal murder of seven-year-old Heaven Sutton.

Emanuel’s decision to steer clear of Farrakhan’s history of anti-Semitic remarks is a far cry from the 1994 controversy that followed former Mayor Richard M. Daley’s private meeting with Farrkakhan.

During the meeting, Daley prodded Farrakhan to work out his differences with Jewish leaders in talks arranged by the Commission on Human Relations. Daley even hinted that if those conversations did not take place, the Nation of Islam would have trouble winning the city approval needed for its planned development along the 79th Street commercial strip.

Jewish leaders refused to engage in the dialogue. They were so concerned about the mayor’s private meeting with Farrakhan they demanded an audience of their own to clear the air. Daley used that meeting to deny ever suggesting the give-and-take.

“There’s been a rather longstanding pattern where Minister Farrakhan has talked about wanting dialogue. There have even been a couple of instances where members of the Jewish community have met with him,” Michael Kotzin, director of the Jewish Community Relations Council, said at the time.

“Invariably, he’s been unchanged after that. They have felt betrayed by things he said to them. Been there. Don’t want to be there again and be put in that kind of box. All that happens is that he gains from those kinds of meetings a kind of credibility, legitimacy and stature. That’s all that would come of it.”